How to Make Dandelion Tea Taste Better

The best way to make your dandelion tea taste better is to use fresh dandelion leaves instead of dried ones. The best time for picking the leaves is after 10 a.m. when the sun has dried off morning dew and the leaves are still flat against the ground.

You can also roll up several large dandelion leaves into a cigar-like shape and use a straw to suck the nectar from each side of the rolled leaf. You can also simply chew on a dandelion stem or flower head.

How to make Dandelion tea taste better

Here are a few more ways by which you can make dandelion tea taste better.

Use fresh dandelion leaves

Another way to make your dandelion tea taste better is to use fresh dandelion leaves instead of dried ones. The best time for picking the leaves is after 10 a.m. when the sun has dried off morning dew and the leaves are still flat against the ground. You can also roll up several large dandelion leaves into a cigar-like shape and use a straw to suck the nectar from each side of the rolled leaf. You can also simply chew on a dandelion stem or flower head.

Dandelions grow in most parts of the world, so you should be able to find fresh leaves in your local grocery store during the spring, summer, and fall. Dandelion leaves lose much of their bitterness when cooked, so prepare them as you would any bitter green. Simply add the chopped greens to a salad or saute them in a little olive oil and salt.

Adding fresh herbs

If you still think your dandelion tea tastes bad, add some fresh mint or lemon balm to taste better. Sage, fennel, and other popular herbs can be used in combination with your dandelion weed to make the tea taste better.

Adding honey

Dandelions are very rich in vitamins A and C, so they should be considered nutritious food. If you want to make them taste better, try adding some raw honey or another sweetener to the cup. This can be done by stirring a teaspoon of honey into each cup before serving. Sweeteners other than honey should not be added to dandelion tea, as they will cause fermentation and alter the taste drastically.

Brewing dandelion tea with fruit juice

If you want to make your dandelion tea taste better without adding a sweetener, try brewing it with cranberry juice or another fruit-flavored drink mix. Most beverage mixes are flavored with maltodextrin, which is a long-chain carbohydrate derived from corn starch. Maltodextrin tastes sweet to the human palate because it triggers the same taste buds as table sugar.

Adding psyllium husk

Dandelions are also very high in fiber. To make your dandelion tea taste better, you can add psyllium seed husks to your herbal tea or plain water. Psyllium is a soluble fiber that adds bulk and prevents constipation. You can also mix powdered dandelions with water or juice because the bitter flavor will be masked by stronger fruit flavors.

P.S. Dandelion tea also helps you sleep better.

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